Technical Tour
US DOE Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL)
Date: Tuesday August 23rd 2016
Time: Buses leave hotel at ~4:30 pm, following poster session
Cost: $25, Pay on ANS TOFE 2016 Registration
Note: Dinner will be provided at PPPL
*Poster presenters taking the PPPL Tour will be scheduled for Monday PM Session*
Round trip bus transportation from TOFE 2016 to PPPL. Be sure to sign up on the TOFE 2016 Registration, $25 per person. The tour will likely include a tour of the National Spherical Torus Experiment-Upgrade, which is now operating after undergoing a $94 million upgrade. The tour includes a catered dinner and refreshments from a local Princeton restaurant.
Come see first-hand the exciting world of fusion energy research at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory! Visiting the U.S. Department of Energy’s PPPL is a great opportunity to get a first-hand view of the laboratory where the quest to harness the power of the sun and the stars through fusion energy is taking place.
Our tours are led by engineers and physicists who can answer all your questions about magnetic fusion. View our new “Star Power” movie, take part in hands-on plasma demonstrations, visit the National Spherical Torus Experiment Control Room and see Quasar, our stellarator experiment!