General Paper Information
Manuscripts are due no later then September 16, 2016
For detailed information please use the FS&T TOFE 2016 Author Instructions
Submission of Papers
Paper submission will be electronic submission via the FS&T website located at Authors must first register as an author in order to submit a manuscript. After selecting Submit New Manuscript on the Author Main Menu, authors will be taken to a new window with a drop down menu for Choose Article Type – select TOFE2016. Please select this submittal type and then proceed as normal to follow the manuscript submittal directions.
Length of Papers
Plenary/Invited papers are limited to eight (8) journal pages. Contributed papers are limited to five (5) journal pages. The manuscript (including the abstract and references) is limited to a maximum of:
- 7000 words for invited (8 journal pg) papers
- 4300 words for contributed (5 journal pg) papers
The first page of your document should be a cover page containing the title, name and affiliation of each author, the name and complete mailing address of the person to whom proofs and the page charge invoice are to be sent, and a list of the total number of pages, tables, and figures. Please provide an E-mail address and/or a fax number. This page should also contain your abstract number, so the manuscript can be tracked through the FS&T system. The cover page does NOT count towards your total word limit.
The rest of your paper should include your abstract (with at least 3 keywords at the end), main text, figures, equations, and references, all of which count towards your total word count.
In calculating the number of words, the following equivalents should be used:
- Each table or figure of one-column width that occupies 1/4 pg counted as 200 words.
- Each table or figure of two-column width that occupies 1/2 pg counted as 400 words.
- Each equation is counted as 30 words per line.
- Each reference counted as 20 words.
- The above count takes into account space occupied by titles, authors, affiliation, etc. on the first page.
Manuscript Format
The manuscript should be prepared in accordance with FS&T regular journal instructions at Make sure to follow specific ANS/FST reference style.
Similar to writing any research paper, please follow the ANS/FS&T style guide which can be found here:
There is NO template. Writing guidelines are simple: Manuscripts must be typed, double spaced, with wide margins and indented paragraphs. The double-column format used for previous TOFE meetings is NOT valid.
Overview of Paper:
- Page 1: Cover
- Title, Authors, Address, Contact Info, TOFE Abstract Number
- Page 2: Abstract
- Page 3 & on: Body of Paper
- Last Page: References
For further information, please contact:
American Nuclear Society
Fusion Science & Technology, Editorial Office
Kelsey Tresemer
TOFE 2016 Publications Chair: