Poster Schedule

Please find your Poster Presentation by abstract ID or your name.

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Monday August 22, 2016


Abstract ID



1 18206 Simon Woodruff Adiabatic Compression of a Compact Toroidal Plasma
2 18404 Alexandrea Adams Production of Tc-99m Without Uranium
3 18103 Bong Guen Hong Effects of Plasma Physics and Engineering Constraints on a Design of a Fusion-Driven System
4 17184 Matthew Jasica Dual-Beam Helium and Deuterium Irradiation of Tungsten in DAISIE at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
6 18351 Marco Riva, Massimo Zucchetti The IELLLO lithium-lead facility
7 18104 Andrew Davis Impact of Plasma Physics Parameters on Radiation Damage aspects of Fusion Structural Materials
8 18418 Chao Liu, Yican Wu Development of High Intensity D-T fusion NEutron Generator (HINEG)
9 18194 Tim Bohm Nuclear Heating and Radiation Damage in the NBI Region of the ITER Vacuum Vessel
10 18342 Saerom Kwon Lead Benchmark Experiment with DT Neutrons at JAEA/FNS
11 18196 Marcos Navarro Implantation of 30 keV Helium into Graphene-Coated Tungsten
12 18191 Karla Hall Multiple Energy Irradiation of Polycrystalline Tungsten with Helium Ions at Normal Incidence
13 18224 Guinevere Shaw The development of a quantitative method using laser ablation analysis for measuring Helium implanted in Tungsten
14 18148 Marta Velarde Tritium leakage in a fusion NPP: Multiscale integral analisys
15 18004 Wang Dagui The availability of two China Test Blanket Modules: A Comparative Study
16 18187 Aaron Fancher, Matthew Michalak Expanding Operational Space in Inertial Electrostatic Confinement D-D Neutron Generators
17 18397 Yasushi Yamamoto Investigation of characteristics of mixture gas supply / pressure control using non evaporable getters in discharge type fusion neutron sources
18 18382 Claire Luttrell Analysis of the ITER ECH Waveguide Transmission Line Expansion Unit
19 18160 Joseph Tipton Design and Analysis of Miter Bends for High Power Electron Cyclotron Heating Transmission Lines
20 18135 Caichao Jiang Analysis and design of RF power transmission unit for MW scale high current ion source
21 17926 Yongjian Xu Design and analyses of short-pulse beam diagnostic calorimeter for EAST neutral beam injector
22 18102 Joe Rauch Upgrade to DIII-D National Fusion Facility PCS and Neutral Beam Systems: In-shot Variation of Neutral Beam Particle Energy
23 18901 Madeline Vorenkamp Lithium Granular Injector Operational Upgrades
24 18162 Abdelhamid Ouroua Design, analysis, and testing of a hot calibration source for the ITER-ECE diagnostic system.
26 18107 Christopher Kang Transient Hot-Wire Experimental System for Measuring the Effective Thermal Conductivity of a Ceramic Breeder Pebble Bed
27 18384 Han Zhang Stress Analysis of the KDEMO Vacuum Vessel
28 18601 Marco Riva Reducing the Power Peak-to-Average Ratio in Fusion Blanket
29 18396 Alex Nagy A High Power Helicon Antenna Design for DIII-D
30 18388 Dong Won Lee HCCR TBM Design Progress for the Preliminary Design Phase Preparation
31 17065 Russell Feder Nuclear Analysis in Support of USITER Upper Port 14 Integration and the Upper Port Wide Angle View Visible-IR Camera System
32 18412 Wenping Wang Heat Loads & Cooling Requirements of Diagnostic Shielding Module of ITER Port Plug
33 18403 Art Brooks Thermal and structural performance evaluation of the nstx-u high-z divertor
34 18340 Lauren Garrison Microstructural Changes and Mechanical Behavior of Tungsten-Copper Laminate Composite after Neutron Irradiation
35 18076 Shekaib Musa Reversed Heat Flux Study of Multiple Jet Arrays for Helium-Cooled Finger-Type Divertors
36 18086 Valter Cocilovo Modeling of Electromagnetic Loads on DEMO First Stage Divertor
37 18389 Kurt Holtrop The Study of Fusion Plasma Material Interactions using Tungsten Coated TZM Molybdenum Tile Inserts on the DIII-D Tokamak
38 17071 Andrei Khodak Parametric Thermal and Flow Analysis of ITER Diagnostic Shield Module
39 18129 Kwanwoo Nam Development of a Novel Endoscope for the Inspection of ITER Thermal Shield Cooling Pipes
40 18132 Gyoung-O, KANG In-situ Pipe Bending Tool for the ITER Sector Sub-assembly
41 18132 D.K. Kang In-situ Pipe Bending Tool for the ITER Sector Sub-assembly
42 17870 Jae-Sung Yoon Development of fabrication procedure and fabrication of small mock-up for the KO HCCR TBM
43 18129 Kwanwoo Nam Development of a Novel Endoscope for the Inspection of ITER Thermal Shield Cooling Pipes
44 18167 Neway Atnafu NSTX-U 2nd Neutral Beam Relocation
45 18140 Luis Aparicio Evaluation of Interface and Cohesion Shear Strength of Mechanical Lap-Joint between HTS Coated Conductors Intended for Segmented HTS Magnet.
46 18124 Shuhei Nogami Fatigue Properties of SiC/SiC Composites under Various Loading Modes
47 18497 Gregg Morgan Performance Testing of New Pd-Ag Diffuser Design for Tritium Service
48 18220 Peter Titus NSTX-U Bake-Out Simulations and Evaluations
49 18964 Kaishi Sakane An Application of Cylindrical Discharge Fusion Neutron Beam To Cancer Treatment

Tuesday August 23, 2016

Number Abstract ID Name Title
1 18352 Marco Riva, Massimo Zucchetti Neutronics model for an advanced-fuel fusion experiment
2 18127 HAILIN BI A study on hydrogen transport in liquid metal GaInSn by plasma-driven permeation method
3 18577 Jing Wu Deuterium Retention Behavior in Tungsten Exposed to EAST and KSTAR Plasmas
4 18146 Muyi Ni Environmental Safety Assessment for Fusion Reactor due to Gaseous Tritium Release
5 18120 Gerald Kulcinski The Use of Small Fusion Neutron Sources for Defense and Homeland Security
6 18385 Dennis Youchison ITER ECH Switch Design and Analysis
7 18378 Ethan Coffey Update on Cooling for the ITER ECH Waveguide Transmission Line
8 18368 Hideaki Matsuura Observation Scenario of Knock-on Tail Using Modified Neutron Emission Spectrum in Proton-Beam Injected Deuterium Plasmas
9 18123 Seong Dae Park Numerial investigation of cooling performance for breeding zone in TBM of Korea
10 18169 Steven Meitner Design and Commissioning of a Three-Barrel Shattered Pellet Injector for DIII-D Disruption Mitigation Studies
11 18163 Zhi Gao Design and operation of the electrical noise suppression system for CHI on NSTX and NSTX-U
12 18373 Eo Hwak Lee Design of the verification test facility for the CPS of the HCCR TBM
13 18094 Yasunori Iwai Demonstration of Passive Tritium Oxidation Using a Hydrophobic Catalytic Recombiner for Detritiation System
14 17680 Mark Smith Electro-Magnetic Analysis of the ITER Upper Visible Infrared Wide Angle Viewing System
15 18359 yi liu Development of Fast-ion D-alpha diagnostic based on visible spectroscopy for HL-2A tokamak
16 18402 Andrei Khodak 3D thermal analysis for CFETR pre-superheated water cooled blanket
17 18398 Han Zhang Dynamic analysis and inertia load of ITER equatorial port plug EPP9 DSM2
18 17898 Ankita Jariwala Upper Port Plug 14 Diagnostic Shielding Module (DSM) Design
19 18112 Takuya Nagasaka Impact Property of Low-Activation Vanadium Alloy NIFS-HEAT-2 after Electron Beam Welding and Neutron Irradiation
20 18366 Xiang JI Investigation on the Magnetic Field Distortion by Ferromagnetism of Blanket in the Helical Fusion Reactor
21 18391 Dong Won Lee Preliminary Design and Fabrication of 3D Printed Divertor Mock-up
22 16998 Kio Takai Heat transfer performance of water impinging jet flow in a metal particle bed
23 18165 Jeffrey Doody Exploratory Study on Using 3D Printing Manufacturing to Improve Cooling Capability of Divertor Tiles
24 18147 Koji Kusumi Study on thermal mixing of MHD liquid metal free-surface film flow.
25 18379 Masashi Shimada Collaborative Investigation on Hydrogen Isotope Retention and Permeation in Damaged Tungsten under US-Japan PHENIX Collaboration
26 18350 Suk-Kwon Kim Fabrication and Heat Load Testing of HIP-bonded Tungsten PFCs for Korean Fusion Reactor Development
27 18369 Sungjin Kwon Thermo-hydraulic Assessment for the Modified Concept of the K-DEMO Divertor Target
28 18134 Zeyu Zhang Visualization of Shear Stress Distribution on Impingement Wall of Multiple-Impinging Jet
29 18110 Haiying FU Dissimilar-metals bonding between NIFS-HEAT-2 vanadium alloy and Hastelloy X nickel alloy by controlling intermetallics
30 18399 Nagato Yanagi Helical Fusion Reactor FFHR-d1 with HTS Magnet and Challenging Options
31 17996 Yuhu Zhai, Luc D’Hauthuille Modeling of Imperfect Nb3Sn Superconducting Wires under Transverse Loading
32 18374 Satoru Nagasumi Study on tritium production using high-temperature gas-cooled reactor for fusion reactors ~ evaluation of tritium outflow by non-equilibrium diffusion simulations ~
33 18145 Hideo Sakasegawa Characterization of MX precipitates in the reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel F82H
34 18125 Shuhei Nogami Feasibility of Utilizing Tungsten Rod for Fusion Reactor Divertor
35 18158 Carlos Velasquez Minor Actinides Data Library for Fusion Applications
36 18420 Xunxiang Hu Positron annihilation spectroscopy investigation of vacancy clusters in neutron-irradiated 3C-SiC
37 17979 Yang-Il Jung HIP Joining of Tungsten Armor to Ferritic-Martensitic Steel with a Zirconium Interlayer
38 18130 Ryosuke Nishiumi Hydrogen Permeation through the Fluoride Molten Salt Mixed with Ti Powder)
40 18344 Pengyuan Li R&D of the Critical Bolted Connection for ITER Superconducting Coil Supports
41 18207 Simon Woodruff, Morgan Quinley Optimization of the Design of Plasma Diagnostics and Fusion Components for Additive Manufacture
42 18431 Mark Hughes Fugitive Sulfur Hexafluoride Emissions Reduction at PPPL
43 Jingping Chen EM Loads on ITER Diagnostics Equatorial Port Plugs 9 (US port) and its in-Port components during Plasma Disruptions
44 18212 Carye Yanko, Victor Bochkov Effect of Conductive Screens on the Stabilization of Plasma Channels With Currents of Hundreds kiloamps
45  18370 David Hancock  A low cost high performance test facility for evaluating advanced high heat flux concepts
46 Alex Mossman  The Lithium Stick: a Compact, Orientation Independent Lithium Coating Device


Poster Layout